Feet are the roots that carry us


§ 1 Name and seat


The name of the Association shall be: “International Federation
for Proprioceptive – and Biomechanical Therapies e.V.”.
also called I.F.P.B. for short, and has its seat in
D-48336 Sassenberg, Schloßstr.1.


§ 2 Purpose

The purpose of the Association is to promote further education and training as well as scientific research in the field of podo-postural therapy, proprioceptive and biomechanical therapy and the use of appropriate aids, both within and outside Europe.

The association sees its task in the promotion of therapists in this special field. The aim of podo-postural therapy is to restore the balance of the various systems of the human body, to normalise functions and structures and to remedy disorders.

The association exclusively and directly pursues charitable purposes in the sense of the section “tax-privileged purposes” of the tax code. The purpose of the statutes is realised, among other things, through training measures for the members of the association and third parties for further education and training and through research and teaching to promote the further development and dissemination of podo-postural therapy.

The Association’s funds may only be used for purposes in accordance with the Statutes. The members shall not receive any share of the profits in their capacity as members or any other benefits from the Association’s funds. In the event of the dissolution of the Association or in the event of the discontinuation of its previous purpose, the assets of the Association shall be transferred to a charitable institution to be determined by the General Meeting.


§ 3 Membership

1. any natural or legal person interested in the activities of the International Federation for Proprioceptive – and Bio-mechanical Therapies (I.F.P.B.) for professional or scientific reasons or who wishes to contribute to the realisation of its aims may become a member.

Members or other persons who have rendered special services to the I.F.P.B. may be appointed honorary members (without voting rights) on the proposal of individual members or of the General Assembly. Full members retain the right to vote. 3.

Full members receive full voting rights when they join the I.F.P.B.. However, they may only be elected to leading positions (Executive Board I.F.P.B..) after five years of membership.

4. only therapists can be members of the Executive Board of the I.F.P.B.

5. anyone wishing to become a member must enclose the following documents (copies) with the application for membership and confirmation of practice in the relevant country Official admission or admission criteria corresponding to the country as a therapist, proof of professional liability insurance and 2 passport photographs.

The Executive Committee shall decide on admission.

7. newly admitted members shall, upon request, undergo beginners’ courses in the disciplines of proprioceptive therapy with which they have little or no familiarity. This does not apply to Associate Members.

8. each member shall be certified for continuing education at the I.F.P.B.

9. once a year, the members of the I.F.P.B. are invited to an annual meeting – general meeting.

10.members of legal entities can be given voting rights according to a key. (20. members 1 delegate) . These members must be named to the Executive Committee. 11.

11. the membership fee shall be determined by resolution of the General Assembly and shall be paid 1/1 annually in advance. The full annual subscription shall be payable at the commencement of membership. 12.

12. after payment of the membership fee, I.F.P.B members shall receive a membership card (identity card), an association stamp and a practice sign.

13. joining a national association means joining the I.F.P.B.

14. leaving a national association means leaving the I.F.P.B. In this case the membership card, the stamp and the practice sign have to be returned to the I.F.P.B.

15. the member undertakes to participate regularly in the training events of the national associations and the I.F.P.B. upon joining the I.F.P.B..

16. exclusion of members shall be in accordance with § 4.


§ 4 End of membership

Membership ends:

1. with death;

2. by resignation, which must be declared in writing to the Board with a notice period of 3 months to the end of the
of the calendar year to the Executive Committee in writing. 3;

3. by expulsion, in the event of culpable conduct detrimental to the Association or if the member is more than 3 months in arrears with its membership fees and, despite a reminder sent to the last known address, fails to pay the arrears in full within two weeks.

4. the general executive committee decides on the exclusion with a majority of 2/3 of its members. The member concerned shall be given the opportunity to be heard beforehand. 5.

5. members who give up their professional activities

6. members who give up their practice for reasons of age (at least 65 years) may, on application, continue as non-contributory members without voting rights.

7. if the member neglects or fails to fulfil his/her continuing education obligation (in accordance with the guidelines of the continuing education certification).


§ 5 Dues

The membership fee shall be determined by resolution of the General Assembly and shall be payable annually in advance. The full annual membership fee shall be paid at the beginning of membership. The respective annual membership fee is currently 10,- Euro per month. Legal entities shall pay a subscription levied by the Executive Committee.


§ 6 Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the 1st and 2nd Chairmen and the Secretary as well as two assessors and one representative of each of the National Associations. The Executive Committee is elected by the General Assembly for a period of three years. However, it shall remain in office after the expiry of the term of office until the election of a new Executive Board. Each member of the Executive Committee shall be elected individually. The Association shall be represented in and out of court by the Executive Committee.


§ 7 General Assembly

The ordinary General Assembly of Members shall take place once a year. In addition, the General Assembly must be convened if the interests of the Association so require, or if the convening of the General Assembly is requested in writing by 10% of the members, stating the purpose and the reasons.


§ 8 Convening the General Assembly

Each General Meeting shall be convened in writing by the 1st Chairperson or, if he/she is prevented from doing so, by the 2nd Chairperson, observing a notice period of four weeks. The agenda set by the Executive Committee shall be included in the invitation. Motions of the members must reach the Executive Committee at least two weeks before the General Assembly. Changes to the agenda shall be announced to the members prior to the general meeting.


§ 9 Conduct of the General Assembly

The General Assembly shall be chaired by the 1st Chairperson or, if he/she is unable to do so, by the 2nd Chairperson. If the latter is also prevented, the General Assembly shall elect a chairperson from among its members. The General Assembly may decide to add to the agenda set by the Executive Committee. Minutes of the General Assembly shall be taken by the Secretary and signed by the Chairman and the Secretary. Each member present shall have one vote.
The General Assembly shall pass its resolutions by a simple majority of the members present, unless the Statutes provide otherwise. Abstentions shall not be taken into account. A majority of 2/3 is required to amend the Statutes, a majority of 9/10 of the votes cast is required to amend the purpose of the Association and to dissolve the Association. The General Assembly shall constitute a quorum irrespective of the number of members present.
Each member has the right to speak at the General Assembly, which may be limited to 10 minutes by the Rules of Procedure.


§ 10 Responsibilities of the General Assembly

The General Assembly is responsible for:

a. Election and dismissal of the Executive Committee
b. Amendments to the Statutes
c. Dissolution of the Association
d. Transactions involving the acquisition, disposal or encumbrance of real property.
e. Discharge of the Executive Board
f. Approval of the budget
g. Deciding on the use of the Association’s assets after the dissolution of the
dissolution of the Association.


§ 11 Financial Year

The financial year of the Association shall be the calendar year.


§ 12 Dissolution

The dissolution of the Association can only be decided at an extraordinary General Meeting to be specially convened, with a majority of 9/10 of the members. In the event of a lack of quorum, the rule in § 9 shall apply. The meeting shall also decide on the method of liquidation.


§ 13 Registration

The Association shall be entered in the Register of Associations at the Warendorf Local Court. The office shall be designated by the 1st Chairman, whereby it shall be ensured that the requirements of association law regarding postal availability at the registered office of the Association are met.

The above statutes were adopted at the founders’ meeting on 28.9.2001 in Nieuwerkerk, NL., amended on 30.6.2002 in Bad Bentheim D, amended on 19.3.2010 in Rummelsberg.

We look forward to seeing you!

I.F.P.B. eV.

„International Federation for Proprioceptive-and Biomechanical Therapies e.V.”
Schloßstr. 1
48336 Sassenberg

Telefon +49 25 83 – 93 16 25
Telefax +49 25 83 – 93 16 13

E-mail info@ifpb-ev.de

Kontakt (EN)